Dear Families,
As you may be aware this is the week our wonderful choir would normally be heading off to the National Music For Youth Festival in Birmingham. Although things are rather restricted this year we have actually made it to the festival – all be it in a virtual way! Our lockdown virtual rendition of ‘One Moment, One People’ has been judged by a Music For Youth mentor and is featuring on the ‘virtual video wall’ at Birmingham Symphony Hall.
This was our feedback from the mentor:-
‘A lovely vibrant ensemble and what a poignant video to accompany this performance.
This was a great choice of song for the year we have all had.
If you record another video, remember to try and look into the camera. Your faces are as important as your voices! Your smiles light up the screen.
The solos and duets were fantastic! And all the ensemble singing really conveyed the mood of this song. Well done!’
Here is the link to the festival. Our video is featured in the ‘Lockdown Lounge’.
Thank you to everyone who took part. I’m very, (very, very!) much looking forward to when we are performing live once more!
Mrs Pearce