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Homework Tasks

9/11/20- Class 2 Homework Update

I have made a few adjustments to the homework expectations for children in Class 2 this half-term. These changes have taken place to ensure that the work they are completing at home is manageable for families and meaningful. Please see the prioritised list of tasks on the letter below (sent home Wednesday 4th November 2020). 

13.10.20 Design Technology Task

After October half-term, we will be studying our textiles DT topic- 'Make do & mend.' Thinking about the idea of make do and mend during WW2, we are going to turn something old into something new. 

If possible, please could your child bring an unwanted textile item into school before we break up for the half-term break. This could be an old piece of clothing, a pillowcase or similar. The only requirements are that the item is clean (doesn't matter about wear and tear marks!), is unwanted and is easy enough to pass a sewing needle through (e.g. cotton).

We have spare fabric in school if you don't have anything you'd like re-purposing! 


Please send the textile item into school (labelled) by Thursday 22nd October so that items can be stored and quarantined for safe use after the holiday. Thank you!
