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Phonics Home Learning- Caterpillar Phonics Group


In school, we use the Phonics Play website and resources for our phonics lessons. 


In Caterpillar group, we do phonics every day for 20 minutes and we are currently learning our Phase 3 sounds. At home, please login to Phonics Play using the details below and complete the following daily: 

  1. Practise Phase 3 graphemes using 'Flashcards Speed Trial' daily. 
  2. Practise reading words with Phase 3 sounds by playing either: 'Picnic on Pluto,' 'Buried Treasure' or 'Dragon's Den.' Of course, your child can also explore the other games and activities but please ensure these are set to 'phase 3' to ensure that learning is pitched correctly. 
  3. Once per week, practise Phase 3 tricky words using 'Tricky Word Trucks.' 


Phonics teaching and learning works well when it is done every week day for around 20 minutes. 


At home, login to using the login below: 

Username: jan21

Password: home

When you are logged in, go to this page- 


Please support your child to practise their phonics daily. Phonics works best when it is built into a routine and done daily.

In addition, please listen to your child read for 5-10 minutes every day. 

