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Friday Phonics

Friday 13th November 2020

Today, we are learning a new phoneme oa and how to read and write it. 



For this lesson, you will need to login to using the login below: 

Username: march20

Password: home


When you are logged in, go to this page-


Activity 1

Practise the Phase 3 sounds using 'Flashcards Speed Trial.' Please set up as shown below...

Activity 2

Play 'Dragons Den' to practise the oa sound. Set up as shown below...

Activity 3 

Can you pretend that you are animal owners visiting the vet? 


You may ask the questions...

Can the vet see my...? 


Choose from the animals below to finish the question sentence above. Can you write the sentence and mark on the sound buttons for each word?


goat, foal, cat, dog, rat, fox, rat, sheep
