Rationale & Ethos
Mathematics is a creative and highly inter-connected discipline that has been developed over centuries, providing the solution to some of history’s most intriguing problems. It is essential to everyday life, critical to science, technology and engineering, and necessary for financial literacy and most forms of employment. A high-quality mathematics education therefore provides: a foundation for understanding the world; the ability to reason mathematically; the resilience required for problem-solving; an appreciation of the beauty and power of mathematics and a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject.
At Old Town Primary School, we believe that the foundation of mathematical success is nurturing confidence, resilience and enjoyment in this essential subject. We strive to enable all pupils to make good progress through a balance of varied fluency, reasoning and problem-solving in mathematics lessons. As a school we adopt a mastery ethos throughout the key stages (EYFS-Y6) which is demonstrated by the following key points:
*These ideals do not mean that pupils will never encounter difficulties but children’s work is assessed daily to judge when additional support may be required. Once a misconception or gap has been identified, teacher-planned support is immediately put in place. Extra teaching, modelling and explanation are judged to be the most time-efficient and impactful methods for securing good mathematical understanding for all children.
For further detail, please view related curriculum policies below.
Schemes of Learning & progression
We use & adapt the White Rose Maths schemes of learning (with recap built in) which can be viewed by following the link below and selecting the appropriate year group. Also below is a link to the progression document we refer to.
White Rose Maths provide high-quality resources, support and guidance for teaching mathematics. We use White Rose Maths as a core curriculum across all classes but it is expected that teachers will amend or supplement this as necessary and constantly use their own judgement and assessment to adjust planning according to the needs of their class. Our adaptations are built into our Mathematics Curriculum Map which can be viewed below. Teachers may decide to spend longer on certain topics to secure understanding. Occasionally, teachers may also choose to re-order steps within units or the units themselves to suit the needs of the current cohort. We encourage teachers to use their professional judgement to adjust planning as they deem necessary.