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Maths Video inputs & tasks for 10th to 12th February

Wednesday 10th February Task 1

Watch the video input below then scroll down for the follow-up task.


Whenever you complete a task, mark your work using the answer sheet. Red pen any corrections if you can. If you found a question tricky, circle it and keep the work handy for our Zoom feedback on Wednesdays.


Forming equations

Thursday 11th February Task 1

Watch the video input then scroll down for the task. Self-mark when you have completed it. I would love it if you could submit this piece of work on Dojo.

Solve simple one-step equations

Thursday 11th February Task 2

Watch the video input then scroll down for the task and self-mark when you have completed it. 

Solve two-step equations

Friday 12th February Task 1

Watch the video input then scroll down for the task and self-mark when you have completed it. 

Find pairs of values (1)

Friday 12th February Task 2

Have a go at this final task and self-mark when you have finished. 

Find pairs of values (2)
