Climate Zones & Biomes – Class 4 Geography Topic for Autumn 2
In Class 4 this term, we have learned all about the Earth’s climate zones and the biomes within them. Climate means the average, long-term weather patterns (as distinct from weather which can change daily). Climate zones are divisions of the Earth's climates into general climate zones according to average temperatures and average rainfall – ultimately climate zones are characterised by how hot or cold and how wet or dry they are. The three major climate zones on the Earth are the polar, temperate, and tropical zones (polar being near either the north or south poles and tropical being situated close to the Equator).
Within these zones are a variety of different biomes. A biome is a region that has certain climate and weather patterns and therefore certain types of flora (plants) and fauna (animals) can survive there. Biomes can be summarised as sharing similar animal species, plant-spacing, plant structures and weather and climate. Major biomes include tundra, deciduous or coniferous forests (also known as taiga), grasslands (savanna – there can be either temperate or tropical savannas), mountainous regions and deserts. The plants and animals of each biome have evolved and adapted in specific ways that help them to survive in their particular biome.
As part of this topic, we visited Tropical World in Leeds to experience the tropical biome for ourselves and to research animals and their adaptations. Following on from this, back in school we researched a variety of biomes and then created models of each with information sheets attached. Take a look in our gallery to see the results of our efforts!