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Wainsgate: EYFS & Y1

Wainsgate Long Term Plans


From September 2023/2024, the Early Years Foundation Stage & Year 1 pupils will be taught the same classroom.  Whilst the initial stimulus for learning may be shared, the pupils will follow different curriculums & be taught using different pedagogy appropriate to their age & stage.  To facilitate this, each year group has a single year curriculum long term plan rather than a 2-year cycle.  You can find the EYFS and Year 1 Long Term Plans below.

Please take a look at our EYFS planning documents; you will see a carefully constructed curriculum in seven areas for learning (communication and language, physical development, personal, social and emotional development, literacy, mathematics, understanding the world, expressive arts & design).  Pupils following this curriculum will achieve Early Learning Goals which will prepare them for the next stage of their education.  When pupils begin Year 1, they follow the National Curriculum.  The statutory content within the NC is organised under different headings (for example History, Music, Geography) but pupils’ prior learning in the EYFS directly relates to their ongoing studies & teachers will activate this prior learning throughout the year.

Other documents and policies relating to EYFS and Year 1

The link below will take you to the Mathematics Curriculum page for our policy, rationale and schemes of learning and progression document.

The links below will take you to pages related to the English Curriculum.
